May 2020: Despite the challenges of going remote during the COVID-19 pandemic, we had several lab successes this past month – Rachana Vaidya published her first book chapter with co-author BNG undergrad Anna Church, Taraneh Rezaee had her first first-author journal article accepted in Bone, and Tianna Edwards successfully defended her MS thesis via Zoom (see image to the left)! |
January 2020: Congrats to Rachana on a successful proposal defense. Her work aims to understand how osteocyte cells respond to high sugar & inflammatory environments and contribute to bone fractures. Officially a PhD candidate! Check out some of her Ocy454 cells in the image to the left. |
November 2019: Our paper on how cortical bone fracture toughness is affected by high sugar environments has finally been published. Congrats to Kelly Merlo*, Jake Aaronson*, Rachana Vaidya, and Taraneh Rezaee for their hard work and their perseverance during 13 months (!) of revisions. [*co-first authors] |
September 2019: Rachana Vaidya and Taraneh Rezaee both had their abstracts accepted and presented their work at their very first ASBMR conference in Orlando. (And then they went to Disneyworld.) |
August 2019: Our review on how type 2 diabetes affects bone biomechanics is in press in Current Osteoporosis Reports – go team! Check it out here. |
June 2019: Rachana Vaidya and Taraneh Rezaee both successfully passed their PhD qualifying exams! On to the next stage! |
May 2019: We celebrated the success of several students this month. Jake Aaronson successfully defended his MS thesis – hooray! He and his labmates, Tianna Edwards and Matt Phou, all walked across the commencement stage for their MS degrees (in the pouring rain). We are going to miss this bunch as they move on to bigger and better things! |
April 2019: Tianna Edwards and Rachana Vaidya won 1st and 2nd place, respectively, in the grad division of the 3-Minute Thesis competition this year – congrats on keeping our lab’s 3MT presence going strong! |
April 2019: Congratulations to Jake Aaronson and Rachana Vaidya for their tag-team 1st place win for best presentation in the grad division at the Sigma Xi research symposium! They presented their work on osteocyte behavior in hyperglycemic conditions. |
June 2018: Our lab headed up to the Center for Skeletal Research core in Boston to get trained on how to grow and take care of Ocy454 osteocytes. Thanks to Dr. Paola Divieti Pajevic for her training sessions! |